Saturday, January 5, 2019

Latest research: Olfactory reminds the brain to react faster than sight/hearing

Scientists at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom have found that the number of accidents has been reduced by spraying the driver with a pleasant, calming odour in the car. In the experiment, the researchers connected the spray device to the center of the steering wheel. The device emits a scent when the car encounters a dangerous situation in which another car suddenly bursts out or there is a sudden situation in which someone is riding in front of it.

Latest research Olfactory reminds the brain to react faster than sight hearing

After testing the scent of rose, lemon, and civet, the researchers found that the effect of rose aroma was obvious, reducing the accident by 64%, while the smell of musk increased the accident by 46%.
The researchers explained that olfaction is considered the oldest sensation and that people respond more quickly to olfactory information than visual or audible information .
Although the scent takes a while to reach the nose, once the odor molecules reach the nose, the transition from the nose to the brain is faster than the eyes and ears, so the researchers believe that by creating an odor in the car, it is better than visual warning. Remind the brain of dangerous situations faster.
However, the biggest obstacle to the application of this concept in reality comes from the fact that some kind of artificial intelligence equipment is still needed to sense the danger of the road ahead, which triggers the emission of aroma. Does it sound amazing? But what kind of reminder mechanism and driver assistance system are not as good as their own good driving habits!

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